sábado, 18 de mayo de 2024



Present simple – verb 'to be'

We can use the present simple of the verb to be to talk about situations and states in the present.

am ten years old.
They are Egyptian.
My mum is a doctor.

How to use it

Use am for I. Use is for heshe and it. Use are for youwe and they. We can contract the verb, especially when we're speaking.

am tall. = I'm tall.
You are my friend. = You're my friend.
My mum is a doctor. = My mum's a doctor.
We are doctors. = We're doctors.
They are Egyptian. = They're Egyptian.

For negatives, use not.

am not nine years old! = I'm not nine years old!
She is not a teacher. = She's not a teacher. = She isn't a teacher.
They are not English. = They're not English. = They aren't English.

For questions, change the order of amis or are and the person.

Are you Brazilian? Yes, I am.
Are they students? No, they're not.
Where is your brother?

My name is Alice and I'm 8 years old. I'll gives some examples about verbs to be.
I'm a girl. or I am a girl.
She's good at drawing. or She is good at drawing.
They're my friends. or They are my friends.
She's not young. or She is not young. or She isn't young.

To Be - Affirmative

SubjectTo BeExamples
Iamam from New Zealand.
YouareYou are Chilean.
HeisHe is twenty years old.
SheisShe is a nurse.
ItisIt is a big dog.
WeareWe are intelligent.
YouareYou are students.
TheyareThey are married.

To Be - Contractions

Contractions of To Be are very frequent when we are speaking.

To BeContractionExamples
I amI'mI'm from New Zealand.
You areYou'reYou're Chilean.
He isHe'sHe's twenty years old.
She isShe'sShe's a nurse.
It isIt'sIt's a big dog.
We areWe'reWe're intelligent.
You areYou'reYou're students.
They areThey'reThey're married.

To Be - Negative Sentences

The negative of To Be can be made by adding not after the verb.

SubjectTo BeExamples
Iam notam not from Spain.
Youare notYou are not Australian.
Heis notHe is not thirty years old.
Sheis notShe is not a secretary.
Itis notIt is not a small cat.
Weare notWe are not stupid.
Youare notYou are not teachers.
Theyare notThey are not single.

To Be - Negative Contractions

There are two ways of forming contractions of To Be in negative sentences. One is with a contraction of the subject and the verb (e.g. I am = I'm) OR a contraction of the verb and not (e.g. are not = aren't)

I'm not from Spain.-----------------*
You're not Australian.ORYou aren't Australian.
He's not thirty years old.ORHe isn't thirty years old.
She's not a secretary.ORShe isn't a secretary.
It's not a small cat.ORIt isn't a small cat.
We're not stupid.ORWe aren't stupid.
You're not teachers.ORYou aren't teachers.
They're not single.ORThey aren't single.

* Notice that the only possible contraction for I am not is I'm not.

To Be - Questions

To create questions with To Be, you put the Verb before the Subject.


I am intelligent.Am I intelligent?
You are a student.Are you a student?
He is a pilot.Is he a pilot?
She is from Spain.Is she from Spain?
It is a big house.Is it a big house?
We are ready.Are we ready?
You are doctors.Are you doctors?
They are rich.Are they rich?

To Be - Short Answers

In spoken English, we usually give short answers in response to questions.

Are you a student? - Yes, I am (a student). The last part (a student) is not necessary. We use shorts answers to avoid repetition, when the meaning is clear.

QuestionShort Answers**Short Answers
Am I intelligent?Yes, you are.No, you aren't.
Are you a student?Yes, I am.No, I am not.
Is he a pilot?Yes, he is.No, he isn't.
Is she from Spain?Yes, she is.No, she isn't.
Is it a big house?Yes, it is.No, it isn't.
Are we ready?Yes, we are.No, we aren't.
Are you doctors?Yes, we are.No, we aren't.
Are they rich?Yes, they are.No, they aren't.

** With To Be, We don't use contractions in affirmative short answers unless there is additional information after it (in which case they are no longer considered short answers).

Summary Chart

TO BE - Simple present tense in English


domingo, 14 de abril de 2024

Learn Spanish Live Online


Learn Spanish Live Online

¿Por qué aprender español?

  • Es el tercer idioma más hablado en el mundo
  • El español es el segundo idioma más estudiado en el mundo
  • El español es el segundo idioma más empleado en comunicación internacional del mundo y es también una de las lenguas oficiales de las Naciones Unidas y de sus organizaciones
  • Si hablas español, podrás comunicarte con casi 500 millones de personas en todo el mundo
  • Piensa en cuántas posibilidades más de trabajo se te ofrecerán
  • Además, si deseas hacer un viaje a España o Latinoamérica, un conocimiento de español te será muy útil
Learn Spanish live online with a native Spanish speaker teacher, according to your needs, at your own pace in the comfort of your place.
Have a private instructor in real time.
Learn useful language as in real everyday situations: social life, work, leisure.
Personalize the language acquisition focusing on the development of proficiency in the four basic communication skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
Practice conversation.
Learn more about our culture as a result of the information exchange.
Develop and enrich your Spanish vocabulary.
Know more about Grammar structures.
Practice pronunciation
Do some homework to reinforce the learning points.
Who is this course for?
Any person interested in learning Spanish according to his needs in a dynamic and interactive way.
Prospective students: people getting ready to spend some time in a Spanish speeaking country.
 Spanish -
Specially designed for people who need to learn some Spanish as soon as possible to manage in a Spanish-speaking country. Conversation, role-play practice, vocabulary development and grammar are focused on each learning situation:

Duration of the course:
Spanish live on line -  is designed to be covered in  class-hours, but we can be flexible about times.
Take a free one hour trial lesson to test your Spanish level.
1 hours of real-time 
Payments are in advance.
Payment by PAYPAL.
write to:

Skype:  spanishonline2

Cursos de español por internet

Se ofrecen cursos de español por internet que funcionan de la misma forma que una clase presencial. Los cursos de español interactivos permiten que aprender español sea fácil y rápido. Se ofrecen cursos de español normal y/o intensivo.
Una clase de español online funciona como una conferencia virtual en tiempo real donde se reúnen los alumnos para participar en la clase con el maestro. La participación, motivación e incluso la corrección inmediata de errores de pronunciación y gramática harán que aprender español online sea fácil y rápido.

lunes, 1 de abril de 2024




Take a trial lesson free!

Do you need to communicate in Spanish? Do you need to learn how to translate?
Study Spanish live online with your own Spanish instructor.

Who is this course for?

This course is for people interested in learning Spanish in a dynamic and interactive way, its grammar and everyday language.
  • University Students.
  • Proffesionals.
  • People who need Spanish for work.
  • People interested in traveling to Spanish speaking countries.
  • People who love the Spanish language.

Special features

  • Be in contact with your private instructor in real time.
  • Learn useful language as authentically used in everyday situations: social life, work, leisure..
  • Personalize the language by sharing personal opinions and ideas and personal experiences and knowledge.
  • Practice conversation & pronunciation.
  • Exchange interesting real world information.
  • Develop your vocabulary in a meaningful context.
  • Learn the grammar.

Our online live course is divided in 6 different levels:
Beginner I and Beginner II - Intermediate I and Intermediate II - Advanced I and  Advanced II


  • This is a live online course.
  • Lessons are one-to-one (one student to one instructor).
  • Student and instructor get in contact through Skype/MSN Messenger.
  • The screen works as whiteboard.
  • You set your own pace.
  • Schedule according to the needs of the student. Please contact us for available schedules.
  • info in :

  • spanish.liveonline@gmail.com
  • Translators@usa.com
  • WhatsApp 57-3053373244-Colombia

  • What are your learning goals.?
  • 1-Converssational
  • 2-Spanish for Beginner
  • 3-Basi Spanish
  • 4-Advanced Spanish
  • 5-Spanish for travel
  • 6-Spanish for going abroad
  • 7- Technical-Professiional Spanish Career
 I have more than 35 years of experience. I teach Spanish at the Basic, Intermediate and Advanced levels. Spanish for business. for studies or for travel. I value the student's time.My classes are dynamic and no time is wasted. It doesn't matter if you don't have knowledge. Certified-Bilingual years of experience tutor.Adult and kids -All levels-SSL Certified- Native Speaking Spanish Teacher with SSL Certified- Certified TESOL-C.A.T.E- Colombian Association of Teachers of Englis-Teaching Tutor for spoken Spanish-ELE Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language-Penn Foster Career School Certified in Spanish  USA-Freelance Translator-

viernes, 7 de febrero de 2020


Learn Spanish Live Online
Learning Spanish 
classs has lots of benefits for you• T
classes are 55 minutes long• Personalized Spanish classes of high quality with teachers that have years years of experience working with foreign students.
• Kind and friendly tutors that use a method designed to help you learn from wherever 
you are: your home, your workplace or anywhere in the world.
• Spanish classes with general or specific purposes and content that can be 
adjusted to your work needs.
• Very economical. Our prices are the lowest in comparison to the traditional academies. 

• Our classes are not only conversational but they also include cor

ONE-on-ONE Classes

$US 25 a class
  •  Packages of 10, 15 or 20 classes weekly
  •  Minimum enrollment time 2 weeks
  •  You can start any day of the week.
  •  You may choose to study what do you want to suit your personal goals(*).
  •  The student receives the full attention of the teacher without any type of distraction. The teacher is allowed to prepare the classes keeping in mind the needs and the study style of each individual student. In that way the classes can be more accurately directed. This course is ideal if you want to learn as much Spanish as possible in the time that you have available to you.

Spanish for travelers

  •  1 or 2 weeks (maximun) - 10 classes/week
  •  Start every Monday -2 classes/day
  •  Small-sized group class (2 to 6)
  •  Study ONLY with designed textbook of EHE
  •  Begin your journey by equipping yourself with the necessary Spanish skills to survive your trip to Spanish-speaking countries. Immerse yourself in a safe and tranquil village. The pueblo is your classroom! Study in the classroom and practice your skills with the locals.
  •  1 student: US$150/week

miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015


Helpful tips to learn spanish

- Reserve a specific time every day for language learning. We recommend at least 10 minutes per day. It is more effective to study a little bit every day than to try to cram everything in once a week..

- Check your progress using your Individual Learning Statistics so you will know which aspects you should concentrate on.

- Do not try to learn everything at once. Set yourself realistic short term goals and achieve them at your own pace.

- Do not be afraid to make mistakes. We all learn from mistakes.

- Repeat what you have learned from time to time. 80% of what we forget is forgotten in the first 24 hours after we have learned it.

- Cultivate your patience and perseverance during the learning process.

- Lengalia will help you with your learning process, but the actual learning is an individual task. The final result depends on you
Listening comprehension

The more you practise listening, the more you will begin to understand. For this reason “Learning through listening” is essential in order to improve your listening comprehension.


- Try to understand the basic idea of what you have heard. You do not need to understand every word to comprehend the content of a sentence.

- Pay attention to the context in which the conversation plays out.

- Take note of the emotions and opinions that are expressed.


- Listen to our dialogues, exercises and vocabulary. In many of our courses you will get an audio file to download with the most important vocabulary for each lesson. This allows you to learn vocabulary and practice your pronunciation.

- Also listen to our podcasts from Spain and Latin America.

- Listen to the radio and songs from countries in which Spanish is spoken.

- Watch TV and films from those countries in their original version, with or without subtitles.Hörverstehen beschreibt die Fähigkeit einer Person zu hören und und zu verstehen in Spanisch, was er hören verstehen.

ReadiTips for effective learning-

Reading Comprehension


- You do not need to understand every word in a text to understand its basic meaning. One of the most common mistakes is trying to grasp the meaning of every word.

- Consider the title of the text, the introduction, the content and the conclusion.

- Read the text more than once; concentrate on the key words and main ideas.

- Don’t just read with your eyes. Without reading the texts aloud and analysing them in detail, you won’t understand the words.

- Carefully select texts which are suited to your level and gradually increase the difficulty of the texts.

- The best way to learn new words is by reading. Read, and when you do not understand a word try to deduce the meaning purely from the context. Afterwards, use a dictionary to check if your understanding was right. This technique will help you to learn words more quickly instead of learning them by heart. Some more key elements to deduce the meaning are:
            - Related words: similar words in other languages.
            - The morphology of a word: its prefix and suffix.


- Read texts and dialogues from the various course levels.

- Read books of different levels of difficulty.

- Read newspapers and magazines.

- Surf on the internet.

- Read children’s books.


Tips for effective learniOral Expression


- Concentrate on the vocabulary that refers to situations which you will be likely to come across.

- Do not learn lists of words which have simply been translated without context. Especially in the beginning, it is important for the learning process that you establish a strong foundation in the language. It is better to create word lists in which words appear in context. Try to learn words in sentences or themes, etc.

- Write down the names of items in your house which you have not learned already. Mark the items with their Spanish names until you have managed to learn them.

- Try to practise the words, sentences and tenses you have recently learned.

- Learning vocabulary is a slow process. Reading is one of the best techniques to learn the vocabulary bit by bit.


- Take different classes on our platform to learn more vocabulary and expressions and to construct sentences. Gradually increase the level of difficulty. You will start to describe experiences in an increasingly detailed manner and express opinions about a wider variety of topics, etc.

- Use our vocabulary trainer regularly.

- Use our verb conjugator regularly.

Oral interaction

With oral interaction, we build on the ability to communicate with other people through conversation.


- Do not be afraid to make a fool of yourself. Speak whenever the opportunity to do so arises, even if it’s only to yourself. Your goal is to understand others and to make yourself understood. You’re not trying to speak with the fluency or clarity of a newsreader. Do not try to have a perfect accent or to construct perfect sentences in the beginning.

- When you travel to a country to speak Spanish and the people try to talk to you in your own language, you should explain to them that you would prefer to talk in Spanish. - Try to travel abroad. Generally, people like to see that you are trying to speak in their language and are very understanding, even if you do not speak the language fluently.

- It is very helpful to know phrases such as:

      “What does...mean?”                            “Is it right that...?”
      “How do you say ...?”                           “Sorry, what do you mean?”
      “Could you repeat that again please?”
      “Could you speak more slowly?”

It is always very useful to ask these questions in Spanish; you get an explanation from which you can deduce the meaning of the words, streamlining your learning process and giving your dictionary a break.

- Try to remember sentences that are frequently used: to get to know someone, to do some shopping, to book or check in at a hotel, to rent a car, etc.

- Try to find out more about the culture of the country you wish to travel to or live in, this will help you to initiate and take part in interesting and diverse conversations. You can also compare aspects of the Spanish culture to your own culture. Remember, the more people you talk to, the more people talk to you. That is one of the best ways to practise.


- Use the Lengalia Language Exchange Service which is offered on our website to exchange ideas and talk to native speakers.

- Go to places where they dance the Merengue, Tango, Salsa, etc. to get to know some Latinos.

- Talk to yourself.


Tips for effective learning

Written expression

The more you read, the better you will be able to write. Use every opportunity to communicate in written form.


- Try to use complex sentence structures whenever you can.

- Always read over what you have written to correct mistakes whilst writing.


- Complete the exercises on our platform.

- Use our Language Exchange Service to find your perfect language partner.

- Use our spanish online forum.

viernes, 22 de mayo de 2015



Take a trial lesson free!

Do you need to communicate in Spanish? Do you need to learn how to translate?
Study Spanish live online with your own Spanish instructor.

Who is this course for?

This course is for people interested in learning Spanish in a dynamic and interactive way, its grammar and everyday language.
  • University Students.
  • Proffesionals.
  • People who need Spanish for work.
  • People interested in traveling to Spanish speaking countries.
  • People who love the Spanish language.

Special features

  • Be in contact with your private instructor in real time.
  • Learn useful language as authentically used in everyday situations: social life, work, leisure..
  • Personalize the language by sharing personal opinions and ideas and personal experiences and knowledge.
  • Practice conversation & pronunciation.
  • Exchange interesting real world information.
  • Develop your vocabulary in a meaningful context.
  • Learn the grammar.

Our online live course is divided in 6 different levels:
Beginner I and Beginner II - Intermediate I and Intermediate II - Advanced I and  Advanced II


  • This is a live online course.
  • Lessons are one-to-one (one student to one instructor).
  • Student and instructor get in contact through Skype/MSN Messenger.
  • The screen works as whiteboard.
  • You set your own pace.
  • Schedule according to the needs of the student. Please contact us for available schedules.
  • spanish.liveonline@gmail.com
  • Spanish Online Courses
  •  Different types of courses are offered depending on our students' needs.
    All levels available. From beginners (A1-A2), intermediate (B1-B2) to advance (C1-C2).
    Can help you prepare for school exams, homework, work interviews, oral exams, etc.
    You can learn Spanish individually with  the Spanish One-to-one Online Course where the lesson will be tailored to your specific needs. But if you know a person with your same level and interests, we can also arrange Semi-private two-to-one lessons.
    If you would like to study online within a small group. you can write to us and we will inform you about the different possibilities.
    We also offer DELE exam preparation courses for those who are aiming at obtaining an Official Certificate in Spanish.

  • Description for each Spanish language level

    Nivel - Spanish level A1
    Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has. Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.

    Nivel - Spanish level A2
    Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate Basic need.

    Nivel - Spanish level B1
    Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

    Nivel - Spanish level B2
    Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and Independent disadvantages of various options.

    Nivel - Spanish level C1
    Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning. Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.

    Nivel- Spanish level C2
    Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. Can summarise information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation. Can express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of Proficient meaning even in more complex situations.

    source www.wikipedia.org

    Spanish Private Online Lessons

    • Online classes tailored to your individual needs
    • You can choose the hours to suit you
    • Learn from professional native speaking teachers
    • Committed to improving your Spanish
    • Through live Online conversation you can improve your Spanish rapidly.
    • Don’t let learning Spanish be a chore, look forward to your weekly Online lessons with our committed teachers.
    • Learn at your own pace and study what you want whether it is for business or pleasure.
    • Flexible timetable.
    • With one to one tuition through Online classes you can achieve your goals quickly with our support, feedback and motivation.